Improved Reserve-K analyses

As part of the FAS Agricultural Laboratory’s ongoing commitment to provide our customers with accurate, evidence-based recommendations, we are constantly refining our methods and interpretations. One of our most recently introduced analyses is the Reserve-K estimates which are part of your routine soil fertility analysis report, along with adjustments to K fertiliser recommendations. What is […]

Sample submission form

Selecting the correct sample submission form The FAS Agricultural Laboratory provides a wide variety of agricultural analyses that target better management of your soil and crop. Each suite of analysis uses specific methods, extractions and interpretations to ensure accurate and reliable recommendations are made. However, when samples are submitted with the incorrect forms or have […]

Irrigation Water Testing

Send your irrigation water to FAS for testing Testing your water quality can improve soil health Poor irrigation water quality, particularly salt-affected sources, can cause soil degradation and induce crop stress, resulting in a decline in crop yield. Most commonly, water quality is classed on its potential to lead to saline and sodic conditions in […]


The Fertiliser Advisory Service analyses soil & leaf macro- and micronutrients for a range of agricultural crops. FAS realises the value in creating a ‘one-stop’ analytical service as many growers are not just in the business of sugarcane. This diversification will make it easier for growers to test the nutrient value of most of their […]


See for your ’sulph’ Sulphur (S) is a macronutrient that is commonly overlooked during soil testing. Sulphur deficiencies can be found in all soil types but are most common in sandy soils with low organic matter. Insufficient sulphur can lead to reductions in yield and crop quality. In addition, there is a very strong interaction […]

Leaf Sampling 2

As the African proverb goes, “Roots do not know what a leaf has in mind”. In many cases, this is true as a healthy soil does not necessarily reflect what is taken up by the crop. A South African North Coast grower recently experienced severely stunted growth on patches of his field, with no clear […]

Leaf Sampling

DON’T STOP BELEAFIN’! Top International Ratings for FAS Leaf Analysis! FAS participates in two quality assurance schemes, the local Agrilasa scheme and the international WEPAL leaf testing scheme. These proficiency schemes aim to ensure that quality (accuracy) of analyses is maintained in the lab. How does FAS participate? Samples (soil, leaf or fertiliser) are received […]

A new test for FAS!

Getting Your Reserve Potassium off the bench FAS has just introduced a brand new test to the Routine Soils Package. For as little as R190.00 incl VAT, customers submitting soil samples for routine analyses will now have the added benefit of understanding how much Reserve Potassium (K) is in their soils without any additional cost! […]

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