

See for your ’sulph’

Sulphur (S) is a macronutrient that is commonly overlooked during soil testing. Sulphur deficiencies can be found in all soil types but are most common in sandy soils with low organic matter. Insufficient sulphur can lead to reductions in yield and crop quality. In addition, there is a very strong interaction between S and nitrogen (N) in the growth of the crop. Adequate supplies of S are therefore of great importance in ensuring efficient response to applied N fertiliser.

Most laboratories offer S as an extra-cost supplementary analysis. This is due to the need for more complex analytical methods to test for this nutrient.  At FAS, we understand the importance of this macronutrient and, in response, our scientists have developed a new, reliable and inexpensive method to test for S. This analysis has now been included as part of the routine fertility analysis package at no additional cost to the customer.

The resin-extractable S method is a cost-effective test that mimics root uptake of sulphur by the plant. This means that there is far greater accuracy of results as the method is reliably estimating the amount of plant-available S in the soil. From now on, all FAS customers will receive their soil test reports with this nutrient included!

The addition of this nutrient to FAS’s growing routine package is part of our ongoing commitment to provide more value to our clients without burdening them with additional costs and add-ons. Now, for as little as R 210.00 per sample, clients will receive:

pH (CaCl2) copper
sulphur zinc
phosphorus manganese
potassium silicon
calcium volume weight
magnesium estimates of clay and organic matter
sodium potential nitrogen volatilisation
exchangeable acidity (Al+H) nitrogen mineralisation
total cations, acid saturation reserve potassium
exchangeable sodium  

Don’t guess, soil test with FAS!

Smart tips:

  • With the approach of winter, rainfed growers are advised to not apply nitrogen.
  • Where lime is being applied, remember to periodically check for subsoil acidity down to 80 cm.
  • Periodically open soil pits and check for compaction.

New FAS webpage

We have just launched our new FAS Agricultural Laboratory webpage.

Check out the latest newsletters and prices ● Download submission forms ● Get information on how to do soil and leaf sampling for a variety of crops ● View drop off points for soil and leaf samples ● Get information on how to submit samples to the lab ● Other helpful publications are also available on the site.

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