
Leaf Sampling


Top International Ratings for FAS Leaf Analysis! FAS participates in two quality assurance schemes, the local Agrilasa scheme and the international WEPAL leaf testing scheme. These proficiency schemes aim to ensure that quality (accuracy) of analyses is maintained in the lab.

How does FAS participate?

Samples (soil, leaf or fertiliser) are received from both schemes for routine analyses. Once the results have been generated, they are sent back to the scheme to compare against their compare against other laboratories. This ensures that all FAS analyses are being monitored for accuracy and reliability, and promotes continuous improvement in the lab.

Agrilasa is a South African laboratory quality assurance scheme which promotes analytical accuracy and provides networking opportunities between experts.

WEPAL is a world-leading organiser of proficiency testing programmes in the fields of plant, soil, sediment and organic waste. They are a part of Wageningen University, Netherlands.

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